


At the nest, we love to give back to you who has supported us and your communities.

birdsnest is based in regional NSW and we know how hard it can be in small communities to raise funds, even for a great cause, as you are often asking the same group of wonderful people and organisations to dig deep again and again.

Our customers live far and wide and that is why each year birdsnest chooses to support a selection of grassroots community fundraisers, charities and initiatives across Australia with the intention to spark positive change around health, education, equality and community spirit.


birdsnest Help

We are passionate about our communities having access to great health and educational facilities. We love supporting schools, pre-schools as well as health organisations and charities covering a broad range of conditions that affect every community. Our support also lies within getting involved in other important community initiatives so we encourage you to reach out if you are supporting causes close to your heart and think we could be a good fit to work alongside you.

Our sponsorship packages will often include a birdsnest gift voucher pack, styling sessions or other appropriate prizes which our sponsorship birds can organise for you. birdsnest is passionate about giving back to communities and making a difference to people and causes that resonate closely with us. Please note, birdsnest does not provide cash donations for this grassroots program.


  • We support domestic causes and charities in this program
  • We support Fashions On The Field at regional picnic races
  • We do not support sporting teams, trips or fundraising in this program
  • And while many individual stories are heartbreaking, we focus on broader initiatives, for example, research for cancer rather than support to a particular family affected by cancer

Please note: If you do know of a birdsnest bird who is suffering, you can nominate her for a random bird act of kindness. We will do our best to try and put a smile on her face, even just for a moment.

birdsnest Focus


We receive many requests for support from community groups, charities and initiatives throughout rural and regional Australia and we welcome each and every one of them. Although it is not always possible for us to support every single request, we always take the time to review and consider each of them. Here are some other tips on how to make your request stand out and give it the nest chance:



Please give a birdie some notice. The more notice that you are able to give us, the more able we are to plan and prepare to be the best support we can. Ideally we ask for three months’ notice before an event.



Be really clear abut what your cause is and how it gives back to your community, that is, why you are so passionate about it. Please also be clear on what you are requesting in terms of support from birdsnest and why you have approached birdsnest for this cause.



Don’t forget the basics! Please provide the date when you are seeking our support, details of the event and your contact details so we can get in touch.

Please email your request, including all the details above to sponsorship@birdsnest.com.au